PSIHOLOG OWPN ACADEMY – CSÍKI ANDREA is a clinical psychologist, a school counselor, and a teacher. She’s been in this profession for nearly ten years. She’s also been working for ten...
PSIHOLOG OWPN ACADEMY – CSÍKI ANDREA is a clinical psychologist, a school counselor, and a teacher. She’s been in this profession for nearly ten years. She’s also been working for ten...
PSIHOLOG OWPN ACADEMY – Out of dedication for the human beings, Diana became a clinical psychologist, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist and life-coach based in Cluj-Napoca. She graduated the Master of Clinical Psychology,...
PSIHOLOG OWPN ACADEMY – Trainer și doctorand în domeniul psihologiei – își desfășoară activitatea în sfera psihologiei și consilierii clinice. Domeniile de interes în practica clinică și cercetare se regăsesc...
PSIHOLOG OWPN ACADEMY – we can say that Maria Madalina is a person of people, she entered in the world of psychology out of love for people and our minds....
PSIHOLOG OWPN ACADEMY – Născut în Gura-Humorului, Alexandru este un tânăr de 24 de ani care s-a îndreptat spre aria psihologiei. Acesta și-a dorit să ajute oamenii într-un mod mai...
Absolventă a Facultății de Psihologie și Științe ale Educației din Cluj-Napoca, actual studentă în cadrul programului de masterat Psihologie Clinică și Psihoterapie. Pe perioada facultății a fost implicată într-o serie...
Ambiguu, on his name as producer and DJ, is a young man born in Zalău who started his career in the electronic music industry in 2012. During his career he...
Bogdan is a young man born in the city of Toplita and later moved to the city of Cluj-Napoca to support higher education. Over the years on the faculty benches...
MENTOR OWPN ACADEMY – Started 20 years ago making mixes for breakdance crews and playing audio-cassettes at parties with close friends, Alex ended up as one of the most requested...
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